A range of useful websites and online resources to help you plan your client's visit to Tasmania.

Useful Websites

Tasmanian Visual Library

Register to access hundreds of Tasmanian images and video footage.

Discover Tasmania

Tourism Tasmania's consumer facing website.

Regional Tourism Organisations

Visit the regional tourism organisation's websites for regional tourism news and product updates.

Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service

Tasmania's national parks and reserves are managed by the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service. Many have visitor centres where you can find out about the park's wildlife, history and geology, as well as purchase parks passes.

Training Programs

Aussie Specialist Program

If you are an internationally based travel seller, we recommend you complete the Aussie Specialist Program offered online by Tourism Australia.

Social Media

Tourism Tasmania aims to stimulate positive conversations about Tasmania across our key social media platforms of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Virtual Backgrounds

While you are virtually connecting, you can share an inspirational and picturesque scene from Tasmania as your backdrop.