Baby Tasmanian devils, eastern quolls, spotted-tailed quolls and platypus
When: Sep - Nov
Where: Across the state
The Tasmanian devil is the world's largest surviving carnivorous marsupial. Despite the decline in numbers since the early 1990s, populations of Tasmanian devils remain widespread in Tasmania from the coast to the mountains. They live in coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest, and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.
The spotted-tailed quoll (or tiger cat as it was once inappropriately known) is the second largest of the world's surviving carnivorous marsupials. Spotted-tailed quolls are most common in cool temperate rainforest, wet sclerophyll forest and coastal scrub along the north and west coasts of the state.
Eastern quolls once occurred on mainland Australia, with the last sighting occurring in the Sydney suburb of Vaucluse in the early 1960s. They are now considered extinct on the mainland. Eastern quolls are common in Mt Field National Park and elsewhere across the state.
The platypus and echidna are the only egg-laying mammals to be found on earth. Platypus are readily identified by their streamlined body, webbed feet, broad tail and characteristic muzzle or bill which is rubbery and contains no true teeth. In Tasmania, platypus are widely spread across the state and are common in the lakes of the Central Highlands as well as the rivers and streams of the south, south-west and north-west coasts.
Image: Tasmanian devil - Bonorong Wildlife Park / Credit: Rob Burnett