A remote sanctuary for rare species in a spectacular coastal and mountain landscape
Strzelecki National Park on Flinders Island is a remote sanctuary for many rare plant and animal species.
The resident animal population includes wombats, Bennetts wallabies, Tasmanian pademelons and potoroos. Bird life is also abundant with more than 100 species that live in the park or visit on their annual migration - including huge numbers of shearwaters (mutton birds) that come to nest over summer. The rare swift parrot, forty-spotted pardalote, grey-tailed tattler and hooded plover can all be seen here.
The rocky headlands and sapphire beaches at Trousers Point and Fotheringate Bay are popular holiday spots where experienced sea kayakers can explore pristine beaches, inlets and offshore islands.
You can enjoy the park from the air or by sea on a chartered cruise.
Image: Mount Strzelecki / Credit: Stu Gibson